Jennifer Longardner made $73,777 in 2018 working as a public employee at Quincy Community Schools, ranking the worker in the 84th percentile in terms of pay among Michigan public employees with available salary information.
Janine Sharrard made $509 in 2018 working as a public employee in Branch County, placing the worker in the first percentile of pay for Michigan public employees.
Debra MacKlin made $24,465 in 2018 working as a public employee at Quincy Community Schools, ranking the worker in the 43rd percentile in terms of pay among Michigan public employees with available salary information.
Stephen Stark earned $11,738 working for Sturgis Public School in 2018, putting the employee in the 26th percentile in pay among Michigan public employees.
83 percent of Asian students in Farmington Public School District were ready for math in college in the 2017-2018 academic year, a better result than the overall average for all students in the district.
There were 18 retail trade businesses in Roscommon County zip codes that had between 10 and 19 employees in 2016, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
Carrie McCarter-Barnes earned $11,610 working for St. Joseph County Intermediate School District in 2018, putting the employee in the 26th percentile in pay among Michigan public employees.
Laurie Ludlow made $9,454 in 2018 working as a public employee at Quincy Community Schools, ranking the worker in the 21st percentile in terms of pay among Michigan public employees with available salary information.
Linda Kochendorfer made $13,487 in 2018 working as a public employee at Quincy Community Schools, ranking the worker in the 28th percentile in terms of pay among Michigan public employees with available salary information.
Quinn Leonard made $55,394 in 2018 working as a public employee at Quincy Community Schools, ranking the worker in the 69th percentile in terms of pay among Michigan public employees with available salary information.
59.7 percent of economically disadvantaged students in Croswell-Lexington Community Schools were academically ready for evidence-based reading and writing (EBRW) in college in the 2017-2018 academic year, a worse result than the overall average for all students in the district.
Jason Hopper made $45,640 in 2018 working as a public employee in St. Joseph County, placing the worker in the 61st percentile of pay for Michigan public employees.
Sara Wood earned $11,741 working for Quincy Community Schools in 2018, putting the employee in the 26th percentile in pay among Michigan public employees.
50 percent of female students in Deckerville Community School District were academically ready for evidence-based reading and writing (EBRW) in college in the 2017-2018 academic year, a worse result than the overall average for all students in the district.
63.3 percent of male students in Croswell-Lexington Community Schools were academically ready for evidence-based reading and writing (EBRW) in college in the 2017-2018 academic year, a worse result than the overall average for all students in the district.
Jason Muckel made $52,899 in 2018 working as a public employee in St. Joseph County, placing the worker in the 67th percentile of pay for Michigan public employees.