Police | Unsplash by Ricardo Arce
Police | Unsplash by Ricardo Arce
Today the Branch County Sheriff’s Office would like to congratulate Sgt. Frank Barker on his retirement.Sgt. Barker started his tour with the Sheriff’s
Office on October 20, 1993. During this time Deputy Barker worked in Corrections, became Road Patrol Deputy, a member of the Dive Team, a Field
Training Officer, Firearms Instructor, Secondary Road Patrol Officer, and qualified in several police related specialty schools.Deputy Barker was
promoted to Road Patrol Sergeant on December 12, 2020. Sergeant Barker was a valued member of the Sheriff’s Office and was well respected by
those who worked with him.We all want to wish the Sgt. Barker well during his retirement and in his new position as Assistant Chief in Bronson, you will
be missed.
Original source can be found here.